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Library: running jobs

graphile-worker can be used as a library inside your Node.js application. There are two main use cases for this: running jobs, and queueing jobs. Here are the APIs for running jobs.


function run(options: RunnerOptions): Promise<Runner>;

Runs until either stopped by a signal event like SIGINT or by calling the stop() method on the resolved object.

The resolved Runner object has a number of helpers on it, see Runner for more information.


function runOnce(options: RunnerOptions): Promise<void>;

Equivalent to running the CLI with the --once flag. The function will run until there are no runnable jobs left, and then resolve.


function runMigrations(options: RunnerOptions): Promise<void>;

Equivalent to running the CLI with the --schema-only option. Runs the migrations and then resolves.


The following options for these methods are available.

  • concurrency: The equivalent of the CLI --jobs option with the same default value.
  • noHandleSignals: If set true, we won't install signal handlers and it'll be up to you to handle graceful shutdown of the worker if the process receives a signal.
  • pollInterval: The equivalent of the CLI --poll-interval option with the same default value.
  • logger: To change how log messages are output you may provide a custom logger; see Logger.
  • the database is identified through one of these options:
    • connectionString: A PostgreSQL connection string to the database containing the job queue, or
    • pgPool: A pg.Pool instance to use.
  • the tasks to execute are identified through one of these options:
    • taskDirectory: A path string to a directory containing the task handlers.
    • taskList: An object with the task names as keys and a corresponding task handler functions as values.
  • schema can be used to change the default graphile_worker schema to something else (equivalent to --schema on the CLI).
  • forbiddenFlags see Forbidden flags.
  • events: pass your own new EventEmitter() if you want to customize the options, get earlier events (before the runner object resolves), or want to get events from alternative Graphile Worker entrypoints.
  • noPreparedStatements: Set true if you want to prevent the use of prepared statements, for example if you wish to use Graphile Worker with an external PostgreSQL connection pool. Enabling this setting may have a small performance impact.

Exactly one of either taskDirectory or taskList must be provided (except for runMigrations which doesn't require a task list).

One of these must be provided (in order of priority):


The run method above resolves to a Runner object that has the following methods and properties:

  • stop(): Promise<void> stops the runner from accepting new jobs, and returns a promise that resolves when all the in progress tasks (if any) are complete.
  • addJob: AddJobFunction see addJob.
  • promise: Promise<void> a promise that resolves once the runner has completed.
  • events: WorkerEvents a Node.js EventEmitter that exposes certain events within the runner (see WorkerEvents).

Example: runner.addJob()

See addJob for more details.

await runner.addJob("testTask", {
thisIsThePayload: true,


See WorkerEvents for more details."job:success", ({ worker, job }) => {
console.log(`Hooray! Worker ${worker.workerId} completed job ${}`);
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