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Library: queueing jobs

You can also use the graphile-worker library to queue jobs using one of the following APIs.

NOTE: although running the worker will automatically install its schema, the same is not true for queuing jobs. You must ensure that the worker database schema is installed before you attempt to enqueue a job; you can install the database schema into your database with the following command:

yarn graphile-worker -c "postgres:///my_db" --schema-only

Alternatively you can use the WorkerUtils migrate method:

await workerUtils.migrate();


function makeWorkerUtils(options: WorkerUtilsOptions): Promise<WorkerUtils>;

Useful for adding jobs from within JavaScript in an efficient way.

Runnable example:

const { makeWorkerUtils } = require("graphile-worker");

async function main() {
const workerUtils = await makeWorkerUtils({
connectionString: "postgres:///my_db",
try {
await workerUtils.migrate();

await workerUtils.addJob(
// Task identifier

// Payload
{ value: 42 },

// Optionally, add further task spec details here

// await workerUtils.addJob(...);
// await workerUtils.addJob(...);
// await workerUtils.addJob(...);
} finally {
await workerUtils.release();

main().catch((err) => {

We recommend building one instance of WorkerUtils and sharing it as a singleton throughout your code.


  • exactly one of these keys must be present to determine how to connect to the database:
    • connectionString: A PostgreSQL connection string to the database containing the job queue, or
    • pgPool: A pg.Pool instance to use
  • schema can be used to change the default graphile_worker schema to something else (equivalent to --schema on the CLI)
If you use pgPool, ensure it has error handlers!

If your pgPool doesn't have error handlers then connection issues with the database may cause your Worker process to exit prematurely.

import { Pool } from "pg";
const pool = new Pool({
/* ... */

// No action necessary
function handleError() {}
pool.on("error", handleError);
pool.on("connect", (client) => void client.on("error", handleError));


A WorkerUtils instance has the following methods:

  • addJob(name: string, payload: JSON, spec: TaskSpec) a method you can call to enqueue a job, see addJob.
  • migrate() a method you can call to update the graphile-worker database schema; returns a promise.
  • release() call this to release the WorkerUtils instance. It's typically best to use WorkerUtils as a singleton, so you often won't need this, but it's useful for tests or processes where you want Node to exit cleanly when it's done.



This was called quickAddJob() in Graphile Worker up until v0.16.x, but was renamed to addJobAdHoc() in v0.17.

function addJobAdhoc(options: WorkerUtilsOptions, ...addJobArgs): Promise<Job>;

If you want to quickly add a job and you don't mind the cost of opening a DB connection pool and then cleaning it up right away for every job added, there's the addJobAdhoc convenience function. It takes the same options as makeWorkerUtils as the first argument; the remaining arguments are for addJob.


You are recommended to use makeWorkerUtils instead where possible, but in one-off scripts this convenience method may be enough.

Runnable example:

const { addJobAdhoc } = require("graphile-worker");

async function main() {
await addJobAdhoc(
// makeWorkerUtils options
{ connectionString: "postgres:///my_db" },

// Task identifier

// Payload
{ value: 42 },

// Optionally, add further task spec details here

main().catch((err) => {
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