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Graphile Worker is a job queue which uses PostgreSQL to store jobs, and executes them on Node.js. A job queue allows you to run jobs (e.g. sending emails, performing calculations, generating PDFs, etc) "in the background" so that your HTTP response/application code is not held up waiting for them to complete.

Keep it simple

The main reason behind Graphile Worker (and not a dedicated job queue) is to help you to keep your infrastructure simple; when you're working with a small number of engineers on a project, the more infrastructure you have, the more time you lose to maintenance of that infrastructure, so consolidating your infrastructure can make a lot of sense. Graphile Worker focuses on performance to ensure that you can use it as a job queue until your engineering team has grown enough that you can afford the time to maintain a dedicated job queue.


As you would expect from a job queue, Graphile Worker ensures that your jobs will not get lost (thanks to Postgres' transactional guarantees), and that each job will execute at least once. Most jobs will execute exactly once; but if something goes wrong (either with the job itself, with worker, or with your infrastructure) then Graphile Worker will automatically retry the job at a later time, following exponential backoff.


Though Graphile Worker can be executed as a regular Node.js module, its Postgres-centric ethos means that it is exceptionally well suited to projects where jobs need to be created from inside the database (e.g. via triggers, or stored procedures); i.e. it pairs beautifully with PostGraphile, PostgREST, and any other database-centric application framework.


Like all of Graphile's open source software, Graphile Worker is community funded: we rely on sponsorship and donations to keep maintaining the project. If you find the project useful and want to help it keep improving, please consider sponsoring @Benjie.


  • Standalone and embedded modes
  • Designed to be used both from JavaScript or directly in the database
  • Easy to test (recommended: runTaskListOnce util)
  • Low latency (typically under 3ms from task schedule to execution, uses LISTEN/NOTIFY to be informed of jobs as they're inserted)
  • High performance (uses SKIP LOCKED to find jobs to execute, resulting in faster fetches)
  • Small tasks (uses explicit task names / payloads resulting in minimal serialisation/deserialisation overhead)
  • Parallel by default
  • Adding jobs to same named queue runs them in series
  • Automatically re-attempts failed jobs with exponential back-off
  • Customizable retry count (default: 25 attempts over ~3 days)
  • Crontab-like scheduling feature for recurring tasks (with optional backfill)
  • Task de-duplication via unique job_key
  • Append data to already enqueued jobs with batch jobs
  • Flexible runtime controls that can be used for complex rate limiting (e.g. via graphile-worker-rate-limiter)
  • Open source; liberal MIT license
  • Executes tasks written in Node.js (these can call out to any other language or networked service)
  • Modern JS with 100% async/await API (no callbacks)
  • Written natively in TypeScript
  • If you're running really lean, you can run Graphile Worker in the same Node process as your server to keep costs and devops complexity down.
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