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Scaling tips

PostgreSQL is not what you'd build a job queue on if you're the size of Facebook... But you're not the size of Facebook, right?

Postgres can get you pretty far, processing over 10,000 jobs per second in our benchmarks. That's almost a billion jobs per day. Using Postgres as your job queue via Graphile Worker can keep your infrastructure simple, enabling you to focus less on infrastructure and more on getting your product's features to market. But to maintain this performance, there's some things you must keep in mind.

Keep your jobs table small

Graphile Worker relies on the jobs table being small. v0.14.0 brought some improvements that made it deal better with larger jobs tables, but the fastest table to scan over is an empty one!

Graphile Worker automatically deletes jobs when they are complete to keep the jobs table small; however if a job perma-fails we leave it so that you can debug why it happened and handle the failure.


Jobs should not perma-fail. Your job execution code should have its own internal checks that recognize a repeated failure, and log it to the relevant place and successfully exit from the task, such that Graphile Worker deletes the job. You should not store long term failures into the jobs table.

You should clear up perma-failed jobs periodically - either figure out why they failed, fix your task executor, and then reduce the attempts number of the job so that it'll try again; or delete the jobs.


A query like the following might be suitable for deleting the perma-failed jobs, but be aware that _private_jobs is a private table, so we may change its implementation even in a patch release. If you run code like the following, it should be ran by a human after inspecting the perma-failed jobs and figuring out why they failed. The underlying cause should be rectified.

delete from graphile_worker._private_jobs where attempts = max_attempts and locked_at is null;

Jobs scheduled to run in the future can also keep the number of jobs in the jobs table higher, impacting peak performance. Be thoughtful about these tasks, and consider batching if it becomes an issue.

Use the latest Graphile Worker release

We're constantly trying to improve the performance of worker; not just the peak performance in the best situations, but also the baseline performance when things are not at their best. v0.14.0 brought some major performance improvements when the job queue is full of future-scheduled or perma-failed jobs, for example.

Do the vacuuming

The jobs table has extremely high churn; find a quiet period and give it a nice VACUUM from time to time.

TODO: which VACUUM options should we recommend? Any other tables to VACUUM?

Don't just jump to another queue!

If you're thinking about moving to another worker (and, when you reach the scale to justify that, you should - generally start thinking about it when you're getting to 5k+ jobs per second), I have plans that I've not had time to implement w.r.t. batch exporting jobs to external queues. This may allow us to get 10x or even 100x the speed since Worker needs to do less - this would mean you don't need to rewrite the code that calls Worker, just the tasks themselves would be implemented in another queue. If/when this is of interest, get in touch!

Also if you are suffering some acute performance issue and you can replicate your load onto a staging server or similar I'd love to run some experiments to see if we can't squeeze more performance out of the system.

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