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Administrative functions

When implementing an administrative UI you may need more control over the jobs. For this we have added a few administrative functions that can be called in SQL or through the JS API. The JS API is exposed via a WorkerUtils instance; see makeWorkerUtils.


If you choose to run UPDATE or DELETE commands against the underlying tables, be sure to NOT manipulate jobs that are locked as this could have unintended consequences. The following administrative functions will automatically ensure that the jobs are not locked before applying any changes.


These methods are not meant to be called on the currently running job from inside the job itself; they are administration functions intended to be called externally. Unless otherwise noted, these functions ignore locked jobs (which includes all currently running jobs).

Complete jobs

SELECT * FROM graphile_worker.complete_jobs(ARRAY[7, 99, 38674, ...]);
const deletedJobs = await workerUtils.completeJobs([7, 99, 38674, ...]);

Marks the specified jobs (by their ids) as if they were completed, assuming they are not locked. Note that completing a job deletes it. You may mark failed and permanently failed jobs as completed if you wish. The deleted jobs will be returned (note that this may be fewer jobs than you requested).

Permanently fail jobs

SELECT * FROM graphile_worker.permanently_fail_jobs(ARRAY[7, 99, 38674, ...], 'Enter reason here');
const updatedJobs = await workerUtils.permanentlyFailJobs([7, 99, 38674, ...], 'Enter reason here');

Marks the specified jobs (by their ids) as failed permanently, assuming they are not locked. This means setting their attempts equal to their max_attempts. The updated jobs will be returned (note that this may be fewer jobs than you requested).

Rescheduling jobs

SELECT * FROM graphile_worker.reschedule_jobs(
ARRAY[7, 99, 38674, ...],
run_at := NOW() + interval '5 minutes',
priority := 5,
attempts := 5,
max_attempts := 25
const updatedJobs = await workerUtils.rescheduleJobs(
[7, 99, 38674, ...],
runAt: '2020-02-02T02:02:02Z',
priority: 5,
attempts: 5,
maxAttempts: 25

Updates the specified scheduling properties of the jobs (assuming they are not locked). All of the specified options are optional, omitted or null values will left unmodified.

This method can be used to postpone or advance job execution, or to schedule a previously failed or permanently failed job for execution. The updated jobs will be returned (note that this may be fewer jobs than you requested).

Force unlock workers

(Since v0.16)

If a worker crashes or is otherwise terminated without unlocking its jobs, then those jobs will remain locked for 4 hours before they can be re-attempted. If you have a system in place that can determine this has happened (for example a heartbeat server, or the process that runs Graphile Worker notices that it has exited) then you can use the "force unlock workers" functionality to unlock all of the jobs from the given list of worker IDs.

SELECT graphile_worker.force_unlock_workers(ARRAY[
await workerUtils.forceUnlockWorkers([

The only legitimate reason to manually unlock a job is if the worker has crashed/died/exited/ceased to exist; in all other cases it's almost certainly the wrong thing to do. That is why this method relates to unlocking any jobs from the given list of crashed workers (rather than unlocking jobs directly via their IDs/keys). Do NOT pass any alive worker ids to this method or Bad Things may happen.

Database cleanup

Over time it's likely that graphile_worker's tables will grow with stale values for old job queue names, task identifiers, or permanently failed jobs. You can clean up this stale information with the cleanup function, indicating which cleanup operations you would like to undertake.


If you find yourself calling this quite often or on a schedule, it's likely that you are doing something wrong (e.g. allowing jobs to permafail, using random values for job queue names, etc).


Delete job queues that don't contain any jobs. Safe.


Deletes task identifiers that don't contain any jobs. Unsafe to execute whilst any Worker is running.


It is currently unsafe to run this whilst any Graphile Worker instance is running since any task identifiers for which there are no jobs queued will be deleted; when another job with that identifier is queued a new unique identifier will be generated and that won't match the internal identifiers that the running workers have cached.


Deletes any unlocked jobs that will never be reattempted due to attempts reaching max_attempts. Will delete this data, but is otherwise safe.


You should write your tasks such that no job will ever permafail; for example after 20 attempts you might have the job do some cleanup and then exit successfuly.


In the CLI:


Or in the library using WorkerUtils:

await workerUtils.cleanup({
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