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The current version of Graphile Worker requires PostgreSQL 12+ and Node 18+1.

Once a version of PostgreSQL or Node.js reaches end of life, we also no longer support it and may drop support in a minor update. Should you require support for an end-of-life version of one of these projects, please get in touch about our commercial support options.


graphile-worker versions before 0.13.0 installed the pgcrypto extension into the public schema of your database (if it wasn't already installed). As of version 0.13.0 we no longer use pgcrypto. Existing users may want to uninstall it - see the release notes for instructions.


Postgres 12 is required for the generated always as (expression) feature; if you need to use earlier versions of Postgres or Node, please use version 0.13.x or earlier.

Rationality checks

We recommend that you limit queue_name, task_identifier and job_key to printable ASCII characters.

  • queue_name can be at most 128 characters long
  • task_identifier can be at most 128 characters long
  • job_key can be at most 512 characters long
  • schema should be reasonable; max 32 characters is preferred. Defaults to graphile_worker (15 chars)

  1. Might work with older versions, but has not been tested. Node 18 won't run our jest tests due to segfault, fixed in Node 20.8.1, so CI cannot run against Node 18.
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