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Library: Logger

We use @graphile/logger as a log abstraction so that you can log to whatever logging facilities you like. By default this will log to console, and debug-level messages are not output unless you have the environmental variable GRAPHILE_LOGGER_DEBUG=1. You can override this by passing a custom logger.

It's recommended that your tasks always use the methods on helpers.logger for logging so that you can later route your messages to a different log store if you want to. There are 4 methods, one for each level of severity (error, warn, info, debug), and each accept a string as the first argument and optionally an arbitrary object as the second argument:

  • helpers.logger.error(message: string, meta?: LogMeta)
  • helpers.logger.warn(message: string, meta?: LogMeta)
  • string, meta?: LogMeta)
  • helpers.logger.debug(message: string, meta?: LogMeta)

You may customize where log messages from graphile-worker (and your tasks) go by supplying a custom Logger instance using your own logFactory.

const { Logger, run } = require("graphile-worker");

/* Replace this function with your own implementation */
function logFactory(scope) {
return (level, message, meta) => {
console.log(level, message, scope, meta);

const logger = new Logger(logFactory);

// Pass the logger to the 'run' method as part of options:
/* pgPool, taskList, etc... */

Your logFactory function will be passed a scope object which may contain the following keys (all optional):

  • label (string): a rough description of the type of action (worker and job are the currently used values).
  • workerId (string): the ID of the worker instance
  • taskIdentifier (string): the task name (identifier) of the running job
  • jobId (number): the id of the running job

And it should return a logger function which will receive these three arguments:

  • level (error, warning, info or debug) severity of the log message
  • message (string) the log message itself
  • meta (optional object) may contain other useful metadata, useful in structured logging systems

The return result of the logger function is currently ignored; but we strongly recommend that for future compatibility you do not return anything from your logger function.

See the @graphile/logger documentation for more information.


You do not need to (and should not) customize, inherit or extend the Logger class at all.


Some log messages are gated behind the GRAPHILE_ENABLE_DANGEROUS_LOGS=1 environmental variable to see them you will need to enable that envvar AND enable debug logging (e.g. with GRAPHILE_LOGGER_DEBUG=1 as mentioned above) do not do this in production as these logs may include incredibly sensitive details such as your full database connection string including password.

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