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Task executors

A job is a description of a single job to be done stored into the database via the JS addJob() function or SQL graphile_worker.add_job() function.

A task is the type of work that a job may take, for example send email, convert image or process webhook. A task identifier is a unique name given to a task, for example send_email or convert_image. A task executor is the function to execute when a job with the associated task identifier is found.

Task executor function

A task executor is a simple async JS function which: receives as input the job payload and a collection of helpers, does the work, and then returns. If the task executor returns successfully then the job is deemed a success and is deleted from the queue (unless this is a batch job). If it throws an error (or, equivalently, rejects the promise) then the job is deemed a failure and the task is rescheduled using an exponential-backoff algorithm.

Each task function is passed two arguments:

  • payload the (JSON) payload you passed when calling graphile_worker.add_job(...) in the database, or addJob(...) via the JS API
  • helpers (see helpers below) an object containing:
    • logger a scoped Logger instance, to aid tracing/debugging
    • job the whole job (including uuid, attempts, etc) you shouldn't need this
    • getQueueName() get the name of the queue the job is in (may or may not return a promise - recommend you always await it)
    • abortSignal could be an AbortSignal or undefined; if set, use this to abort your task early on graceful shutdown (can be passed to a number of asynchronous Node.js methods)
    • withPgClient a helper to use to get a database client
    • query(sql, values) a convenience wrapper for withPgClient(pgClient => pgClient.query(sql, values))
    • addJob a helper to schedule a job

Your jobs must wait for all asynchronous work to be completed before returning, otherwise we might think they were successful prematurely. Every promise that a task executor triggers must be await-ed; task executors should not create untethered promises.


We automatically retry the job if it fails, so it's often sensible to split a large job into multiple smaller jobs, this also allows them to run in parallel resulting in faster execution. This is particularly important for tasks that are not idempotent (i.e. running them a second time will have extra side effects) for example sending emails.

Example task executors

module.exports = async (payload) => {
await doMyLogicWith(payload);
module.exports = async (payload, helpers) => {
// async is optional, but best practice
helpers.logger.debug(`Received ${JSON.stringify(payload)}`);

The tasks/ folder

When you run graphile-worker, it will look in the current directory for a folder called tasks, and it will recursively look for files suitable to run as tasks. File names excluding the extension and folder names must only use alphanumeric characters, underscores and dashes (/^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$/) to be recognized. Graphile Worker will then attempt to load the file as a task executor; the task identifier for this will be all the folders and the file name (excluding the extension) joined with / characters; e.g. tasks/send_notification.js would get the identifier send_notification and tasks/users/emails/verify.js would get the identifier users/emails/verify. How the file is loaded as a task executor will depend on the file in question and the plugins you have loaded.

current directory
├── package.json
├── node_modules
└── tasks
├── send_notification.js
├── generate_pdf.js
└── users
├── congratulate.js
└── emails
├── verify.js
└── send_otp.js

Loading JavaScript files

Out of the box, Graphile Worker will load .js, .cjs and .mjs files using the import() function. If the file is a CommonJS module then Worker will expect module.exports to be the task executor function; if the file is an ECMAScript module (ESM) then Worker will expect the default export to be the task executor function.

Via plugins, support for other ways of loading task files can be added; look at the source code of LoadTaskFromJsPlugin.ts for inspiration.

Loading TypeScript files


For performance and memory usage reasons, we recommend that you compile TypeScript files to JS and then have Graphile Worker load the JS files.

To load TypeScript files directly as tasks (without precompilation), one way is to:

  1. install ts-node,
  2. add ".ts" to the worker.fileExtensions list in your graphile.config.ts,
  3. run Graphile Worker with the environmental variable NODE_OPTIONS="--loader ts-node/esm" set.
Example graphile.config.ts
import type { GraphileConfig } from "graphile-config";
import type {} from "graphile-worker";

const preset: GraphileConfig.Preset = {
worker: {
connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL,
concurrentJobs: 5,
fileExtensions: [".js", ".cjs", ".mjs", ".ts", ".cts", ".mts"],

export default preset;
Running graphile-worker with '--loader ts-node/esm'
NODE_OPTIONS="--loader ts-node/esm" graphile-worker -c ...
# OR: node --loader ts-node/esm node_modules/.bin/graphile-worker -c ...

Loading executable files


This feature is currently experimental.

If you're running on Linux or Unix (including macOS) then if Graphile Worker finds an executable file inside of tasks/ it will create a task executor for it. When a task of this kind is found, Graphile Worker will execute the file setting the relevant environmental variables and passing in the payload according to the encoding. If the executable exits with code 0 then Graphile Worker will see this as success, all other exit codes are seen as failure.

Environmental variables

  • GRAPHILE_WORKER_PAYLOAD_FORMAT the encoding that Graphile Worker uses to pass the payload to the binary. Currently this will be the string json, but you should check this before processing the payload in case the format changes.
  • GRAPHILE_WORKER_TASK_IDENTIFIER the identifier for the task this file represents (useful if you want multiple task identifiers to be served by the same binary file, e.g. via symlinks)
  • GRAPHILE_WORKER_JOB_ID the ID of the job in the database
  • GRAPHILE_WORKER_JOB_KEY the Job Key the job was created with, if any
  • GRAPHILE_WORKER_JOB_ATTEMPTS the number of attempts that we've made to execute this job; starts at 1
  • GRAPHILE_WORKER_JOB_MAX_ATTEMPTS the maximum number of attempts we'll try
  • GRAPHILE_WORKER_JOB_PRIORITY the numeric priority the job was created with
  • GRAPHILE_WORKER_JOB_RUN_AT when the job is scheduled to run (can be used to detect delayed jobs)

Payload format: "json"

In the JSON payload format, your binary will be fed via stdin JSON.stringify({payload}); for example, if you did addJob('myScript', {mol: 42}) then your myScript task would be sent {"payload":{"mol":42}} via stdin.

Handling batch jobs

If the payload is an array, then optionally your task may choose to return an array of the same length, the entries in which are promises. Should any of these promises reject, then the job will be re-enqueued, but the payload will be overwritten to only contain the entries associated with the rejected promises i.e. the successful entries will be removed.



So that you may redirect logs to your preferred logging provider, we have enabled you to supply your own logging provider. Overriding this is currently only available in library mode (see Logger). We then wrap this logging provider with a helper class to ease debugging; the helper class has the following methods:

  • error(message, meta?): for logging errors, similar to console.error
  • warn(message, meta?): for logging warnings, similar to console.warn
  • info(message, meta?): for logging informational messages, similar to
  • debug(message, meta?): to aid with debugging, similar to console.log
  • scope(additionalScope): returns a new Logger instance with additional scope information


withPgClient gets a pgClient from the pool, calls await callback(pgClient), and finally releases the client and returns the result of callback. This workflow can make testing your tasks easier.


const {
rows: [row],
} = await withPgClient((pgClient) => pgClient.query("select 1 as one"));

Neither withPgClient nor query methods create a database transaction. If you need a database transaction, you should do so yourself, but please note that keeping transactions open may decrease Graphile Worker's performance due to increasing contention over the pool of database clients.


await helpers.addJob(identifier, payload, options);

See addJob.

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