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Live migration

Normally we recommend you shut down all of your Graphile Worker instances before upgrading to certain new versions of Worker, since schema and API changes may cause older workers to break, leading to long waits and/or duplicate execution due to failure to mark jobs complete. To know which versions of Worker are impacted, please see the Release Notes.

Worker Pro performs checks on startup and tracks running workers so that each Worker can know if they're out of date (in which case they should gracefully shut down) or if they need to wait for previous worker versions to exit fully before they can run migrations. Worker Pro understands which migrations are safe versus breaking, and can help you to roll out new versions of Worker on a server-by-server basis without having to scale your workers to zero before applying an update.


See Pro configuration for details on how to configure Worker Pro, including the full meaning of each option.

The live migration feature relies on the following settings:

  • heartbeatInterval worker checkin frequency
  • maxMigrationWaitTime how long to wait for old active workers to complete current jobs before force migrating


You must be running the latest supported version of Worker Pro across your entire Worker fleet before you rely on this functionality.

Once you adopt Worker Pro and are certain that all running workers are using Worker Pro you must do a one-time cleanup of your database: specifically, you need to unlock all jobs that were locked by older workers (workers not running Worker Pro). This must be done before you migrate otherwise you risk receiving division by zero migration errors (these errors are convenient for assertions in the migrations).

For Graphile Worker before (excluding) v0.16.0 this will look something like:

set locked_at = null, locked_by = null
where locked_by is not null and locked_by not in (
select worker_id from graphile_worker._private_pro_workers
update graphile_worker.job_queues
set locked_at = null, locked_by = null
where locked_by is not null and locked_by not in (
select worker_id from graphile_worker._private_pro_workers

For Graphile Worker v0.16.x it would be:

update graphile_worker._private_jobs as jobs
set locked_at = null, locked_by = null
where locked_by is not null and locked_by not in (
select worker_id from graphile_worker._private_pro_workers
update graphile_worker._private_job_queues as job_queues
set locked_at = null, locked_by = null
where locked_by is not null and locked_by not in (
select worker_id from graphile_worker._private_pro_workers

For Graphile Worker v0.17.x+ it would be:

update graphile_worker._private_jobs as jobs
set locked_at = null, locked_by = null
where locked_by is not null and locked_by not in (
select pool_id from graphile_worker._private_pro_pools
update graphile_worker._private_job_queues as job_queues
set locked_at = null, locked_by = null
where locked_by is not null and locked_by not in (
select pool_id from graphile_worker._private_pro_pools
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